A question that is always in the back of our minds - What can we do to ensure that our beautiful children are receiving the best possible organic produce to feed their minds and bodies…?
A CHICKEN COOP and Run!!! That’s right, we build a chicken coop! As this is a little foreign to us, onto Google we go to find out the best way to build and maintain a Chicken Coop and Run...
The following may seem basic to some, but to us, it was new - 'A chicken run is the fenced or enclosed outdoor space you provide for your chickens to ‘run’ and the ‘coop’ is where your chickens sleep and this is raised from the floor to stop predators from coming in and snatching your chickens’.
We are super excited about this project - we still start with a few chickens which will feed our children with nourishing organic eggs. Our next stage would be to become even further sustainable and we would aim to build a small business selling our eggs and in time to come, to potentially sell chickens. This idea is two fold, not only would we have the opportunity to have fresh free range eggs for our children but we are able to teach them how they can be sustainable too by building a small business that would be managed by our House Mama and XXXX. Just in case you have concerns that we will be creating a chicken BARN, please rest assured that we will have ‘HAPPY’ chickens which will serve us ‘HAPPY’ eggs for our children and our neighbours building a small sustainable business too.
We have all heard the saying/proverb of (often known as a Chinese saying), "Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime”
